This documentation's purpose is to introduce the user to the services provided by UNCX Network and to serve as a guide for using those services.
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What is UNCX Network?
Born in June 2020, UNCX Network (formerly UniCrypt) is a one-stop shop DeFi protocol providing 5 main services with several sub-features. Our mission is to make creating and launching a project a breeze, while making it as safe as possible for the potential investors. We have everything you need to launch the project you want, from setting it up in the beggining, to locking the liquidity after a successful launch!
Developers listing their tokens on decentralized exchanges are granted LP tokens for providing liquidity to the pool. If the LP tokens are unlocked, that creates a risk of developers running away with investors' money by draining the liquidity from the pool. This is where Liquidity Lockers come into play. We invented such concept back in 2020, to protect investors from such risks and making it safer to invest. The locked tokens stay in a smart contract for a pre-determined amount of time, making it impossible to withdraw the liquidity from the pool. Once the LP tokens are locked, they can't be withdrawn/moved until the unlock date passes.
Token Vesting is basically Liquidity Locking, but for regular tokens. It allows locking n amount of tokens to be lock for x amount of time. It prevents the developers from manipulating the price action of their token by selling them all at once(or at all) and allows a sustainable growth of the project by showing their commitment to the community. Once the tokens are vested, then can't be withdrawn/moved until the unlock date passes.
Our staking contract and UI allow developers to create their own staking pool, to allow their communities staking the token of their choice, and to reward them with tokens of their choice via reward pools. For investors, we offer two types of boosts, time boost and UNCL boost, granting an increased share weight and rewards.
Our Minter is aimed at developers with real product planned, but no token, no solidity skills. This is a good place to start. Tokens created by our minter are already pre-audited, meaning there is no need to audit them yourself. If you launch a token created by our Minter, the information about it will be attached to your presale page, letting potential investors know that the contract of your token is audited and safe.
We are trying our best to protect investors from any form of possible scam, although our platform is purely decentralized, meaning everyone can create and launch a project using our launchpad. You should always DYOR before investing to make sure you know the risks. Nothing in this documentation is a financial advice.
Last updated