Liquidity Lockers (V3)
On this page you will find everything you need to know about locking your Uniswap V3 LP position with us.
To understand what liquidity lockers are, first you have to be familiar with concepts of liquidity pools.
If you are not, we recommend watching this video.
What is a liquidity locker?
Developers listing their tokens on Uniswap V3 are granted an NFT when they initiate a pool. This NFT representing the LP position, once in their possession, can be transferred like any other tokens on the blockchain they have been minted on, or bridged to another one.
A liquidity locker allows the developer to store the NFT in a smart contract, revoking their permission to move the NFT from a start date to an end date.
ETH: 0xFD235968e65B0990584585763f837A5b5330e6DE
Arbitrum: 0x6b5360B419e0851b4b81644e0F63c1A9778f2506
Polygon: 0x40f6301edb774e8B22ADC874f6cb17242BaEB8c4
BSC: 0xfe88DAB083964C56429baa01F37eC2265AbF1557
BASE: 0x231278eDd38B00B07fBd52120CEf685B9BaEBCC1
Avalanche: 0x625e1b2e78DC5b978237f9c29DE2910062D80a05
Sepolia: 0x6a976ECb2377E7CbB5B48913b0faA1D7446D4dC7
V3 Liquidity Lockers on The Graph:
How to lock your LP?
Please make sure that:
DEX pair is created (on UniSwap, for example)
NFT positions you want to lock are held in a wallet you are currently connected with
Visit, select "Manage" on top of the screen
Select the "V3 Liquidity" tab and connect your wallet to the dapp by clicking "Connect".
After connecting the wallet the "Connect" button will change to "New lock". Select that button to proceed.
The dapp will automatically detect the NFT positions you hold in your wallet. Select the one you want to lock.
In the next screenshots (presented below), let's go through all the default settings (for more information about the advanced settings, check "Advanced features" section of this page).
Fee Collector: The address to which the fees will be collect. You can update this field at any stage if you are the lock owner.
Country: The country your business is operating in.
Unlock Date: Date when liquidity can be withdrawn (you can switch the "Lock Eternally" setting on to lock the liquidity forever).
Convert to full range: If you are locking a ranged NFT position, you can convert it to full range by using this setting.
Fee Options: You can select the fee option that fits your needs the best.
After all parameters are set, double-check them and proceed by selecting "Approve Ranged Lock". Accept the transaction in your wallet. The button will change to "Lock Ranged NFT/Lock in Full Range". Press the button again and accept the transaction in the wallet to finalize the process.
Advanced features
The features above are displayed if you select the "Advanced" tab when selecting the V3 lock settings.
Additional Collector: The additional collector may call collect on the lock as well as the lock owner. Very useful for bots to auto-collect fees. You can update this field at any stage if you are the lock owner.
Dust receiver: The address that will receive any dust amounts of tokens during the range conversion to full range.
Owner: The address who will own the lock you are creating (by default it is set to the one you are connected with to the dapp at the moment of locking)
Managing your lock/Withdrawal
Visit and select "Manage"
Select the "V3 Liquidity" tab and connect your wallet.
After connecting your wallet, select "Edit Locks" tab and select the lock you would like to edit/withdraw from.
After selecting the position you want to edit, you will be able to see all the details about your lock at the top of the page, as presented below.
After scrolling down, you will be able to see all the options available to you.
Withdraw: Withdraw locked liquidity position
Collect: Collect the trading fees or/and edit the wallet address receiving them.
Relock: Lock Uniswap V3 NFT position and extend the duration of the initial lock.
Additional Collector: The additional collector may call collect on the lock as well as the lock owner. Very useful for bots to auto-collect fees. You can update this field at any stage if you are the lock owner.
Collect address: Allows you to change the collect address.
Transfer Ownership: Allows token developers to transfer the ownership of their liquidity lock.
Last updated