Liquidity Lockers
On this page you will find everything you need to know about checking if the project's liquidity is locked.
To understand what liquidity lockers are, first you have to be familiar with concepts of liquidity pools.
If you are not, we recommend watching this video.
What is a liquidity locker?
Developers listing their tokens on decentralized exchanges are granted LP tokens when they initiate a pool. These LP tokens, once in their possession, can be transferred like any other tokens on the blockchain they have been minted on, or bridged to another one.
A liquidity locker allows the developer to store these LP tokens in a smart contract, revoking his permission to move these LP from a start date to an end date.
For a deeper dive into this topic, we recommend having a read of our medium article about liquidity locking.
How can I check if the project locked liquidity?
First, from our UI, select "Browser" tab and select the DEX for the pair you are looking for.
Next step is searching for the token. Simply select "TOKENS" tab and paste an address or a name of the token.
Select the token, you will be taken to the token info page. On this page you will find all the pairs for this token and information about the locks. Select one of the pairs to check more details about the liquidity.
You will be taken to the screen presented below. There you can check how much of the liquidty is locked and for how long as well as the expired locks.
What if the project wasn't launched yet?
If the presale is still ongoing, there is no locked liquidity for a project yet, although, you can check how much liquidity is going to be locked on the launch and for how long. To check this, go to the presale page of the project you are interested in, select the tab info. There, you will find information about how much liquidity is going to be locked and for how long (highlighted in red).
You can also take a look at the tokenomics to better visualize how many tokens are going for liquidity.
Last updated