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Solana Lockers

On this page you will find everything you need to know about locking your Raydium LP position with us.

Contract Addresses

CPMM: BzKincxjgFQjj4FmhaWrwHES1ekBGN73YesA7JwJJo7X

CPMM V2: Coming soon!

CLMM: Coming soon!

How to lock your LP?

CPMM Liquidity

Visit, select "Manage" on top of the screen.

Select the CPMM Liquidity and connect your wallet. After connecting you will see a "New Lock" button. Select it to proceed.

You will see the screen presented on the images below, from this point you have to input:

  • Lock Amount: The amount of Raydium LP tokens you want to lock

  • Unlock date: At that date, your lock will expire (the date/time you set here is in UTC timezone. Make sure to take it into account when setting this up)

  • Release Schedule: A visual representation of your release schedule

  • External Owner: Allows you to set the lock owner to a different wallet than the one you are currently using

  • Referral: If you have a valid referral address, you can input it into that field

Make sure to double-check all your settings. To proceed, select "Lock"

Managing your lock/Withdrawal

Visit and select "Manage".

Select "CPMM Liquidity" and connect your wallet. Then, select the "Edit Lock" tab. Here you can select the lock you want to manage/withdraw.

On the image above you can see the lock edit page. The options available to your are:

Withdraw: Withdraws locked liquidity position

Increment: Allows you to add more LP tokens to a existing lock.

Relock: Lock your LP tokens and extend the duration of the initial lock.

Transfer Ownership: Allows you to transfer the ownership of their liquidity lock.

Split: It is possible to split your lock in different sub-locks.

Squads Multisig

You can use your Squads Multisig wallet to lock and edit your LP position with us. The way you interact with the app is the same as in the previous section, with a small exception.

If you want to lock using the Squads Multisig, select "Add your Squads Multisig" link (visible on the screenshot above).

You will be asked to enter your Squads Multisig account (You can find your address on the squads website, under settings > "Multisig Account").

After entering your Multisig account, you will also be able to see your Vault Address. From this screen you can always change the account you are using.

To proceed with any transaction using the Squads Multisig on our dapp, you will first have to accept it in your Metamask/Phantom wallet, then in the Squads app.

You can also edit your lock using your multisig. The process of connecting and using it is the same as when locking your LP. In case of any doubts, contact us at

Last updated