How to lock your LP?
Last updated
Last updated
Please make sure that:
DEX pair is created (on UniSwap, for example)
NFT positions you want to lock are held in a wallet you are currently connected with
Visit, select "Manage" on top of the screen
Select the "V3 Liquidity" tab and connect your wallet to the dapp by clicking "Connect".
After connecting the wallet the "Connect" button will change to "New lock". Select that button to proceed.
The dapp will automatically detect the NFT positions you hold in your wallet. Select the one you want to lock.
In the next screenshots (presented below), let's go through all the default settings (for more information about the advanced settings, check "Advanced features" section of this page).
Fee Collector: The address to which the fees will be collect. You can update this field at any stage if you are the lock owner.
Country: The country your business is operating in.
Unlock Date: Date when liquidity can be withdrawn (you can switch the "Lock Eternally" setting on to lock the liquidity forever).
Convert to full range: If you are locking a ranged NFT position, you can convert it to full range by using this setting.
Fee Options: You can select the fee option that fits your needs the best.
After all parameters are set, double-check them and proceed by selecting "Approve Ranged Lock". Accept the transaction in your wallet. The button will change to "Lock Ranged NFT/Lock in Full Range". Press the button again and accept the transaction in the wallet to finalize the process.
The features above are displayed if you select the "Advanced" tab when selecting the V3 lock settings.
Additional Collector: The additional collector may call collect on the lock as well as the lock owner. Very useful for bots to auto-collect fees. You can update this field at any stage if you are the lock owner.
Dust receiver: The address that will receive any dust amounts of tokens during the range conversion to full range.
Owner: The address who will own the lock you are creating (by default it is set to the one you are connected with to the dapp at the moment of locking)