Initial Liquidity Offering (ILO)
On this page you will find everything you need to know to participate in the presales launching on our platform.
What is Initial Liquidity Offering (ILO)?
Initial Liquidity Offering (ILO) is a fundraising mechanism through which many projects and startups raise funds by selling tokens on the DeFi based Decentralized Exchanges without undergoing the process of ICO.
In other words, projects raise funds and immediately after finishing the presale, liquidity pool is initiated which allows the investors to start trading right after the launch.
User Interface
How to locate presales?
There are few ways to browse presales on our platform, in this guide we will show you two main ones that are most straightforward and easy. First way is locating them on our dashboard page. Upcoming and live presales (look at the tab on top of the image below) are displayed on the left side of the dashboard page.
Note: Normally, the names of the presales will be displayed next to the icons, for the purpose of this documentation they were hidden.
Second way is selecting a DEX from our browser and browse through all the presales there.
After selecting a DEX, you will be taken to the browser. You will find all the presales that have ever been created on this specific DEX using our platform. Upcoming ones, Live ones, successful ones and failed ones. Note: Normally, the names of the presales will be displayed next to the icons, for the purpose of this documentation they were hidden.
Presale page explained
Once you selected a presale you are interested in, you will be taken to the page similiar to this one below. We will go one by one and explain the most important parts of presale page UI.
Let's first look at the top of the page. Here, you will find quick access to the social pages of the project, website, twitter and telegram. Below, you will find "Status", this indicates if the presale awaiting start, live, finished successfully or failed.
Under "Status", you will find "Softcap". This indicates the minimum of funds presale needs to raise to initiate markets (read more about softcap/hardcap and rounds here).
Next is "Badges". First badge on the left on the screenshot displays how many people already participated. Next one, in the middle, indicates the percent of liquidity that will be locked on launch. Last one is an indicator that the presale uses our pre-audited ENMT token (read more about ENMT Token Minter here).
There are two more badges you can spot on a presale page. First one is granted for requesting an audit from one of our whitelisted providers. Along with it there will be an audit report displayed on the presale page.
Second one is granted if the team got KYC done by one of our whitelisted providers.
On the left side of the page you will find a tokenomics chart. Take a careful look at it, it will help you visualize few important things, including:
How many tokens are up for sale?
How many tokens are going for liquidity?
How many of the tokens are locked in the vesting contract?
How many tokens remain unlocked?
Based on those information, you can make better decisions when deciding what presale you want to invest in.
On the right side of the page you will find a button allowing you to participate when the public round starts, and also some useful info. Information about ENMT token is an addition to a badge displayed under the presale. It means the token contract is already audited by our partners and approved by us. (read more about ENMT token here).
Below this information, you will see the amount of funds you spent on a project. Depending on the outcome, this screen will allow you to withdraw your tokens (If the presale is successful) or withdraw your contribution (If the presale fails). To read more about presale rounds and outcomes, check this page.
Note: Reserving a presale spot with UNCL is no longer supported.
The screen above will slightly change after the presale gets live, allowing you to participate.
You will be able to withdraw the tokens from the screen presented below if the ILO succesfully reached softcap/hardcap and initiated markets.
If presale fails, you will be able to withdraw your contribution in the same place.
Selecting the "INFO" tab will take you to the sceer presented below. Here you will be able to find all the social pages, token address and more useful info presented below.
ILO rounds and outcomes
Our ILOs Platform is now under it's 6th version and each presale takes place in the order specified below.
Rounds Summary
Round 0/Whitelist round: after the ILO is created, owner is able to use a round 0 feature by adding wallets to a whitelist. Whitelisted wallets are allowed to participate in a presale before the public round started. Whitelist round is not mandatory and not every presale will have it
(UniCrypt team will not provide you with a presale spot presales are managed by their respective teams and whitelist request should be addressed to them).
Round 1: a public round open to everyone. During that round you can normally participate in a presale without a need of getting whitelisted or reserving a slot. There are also no holding requirements to participate.
Round 2: If the presale wasn't filled in rounds 0 and 1, round 2 is triggered 2 hours after the end of round 1. Rounds 1 and 2 work in the same way.
Possible ILO outcomes
💯 Success | ❌ Failure |
Scenario 1: The soft cap of the ILO is met, and the end block of the second round is reached. Scenario 2: The hard cap of the ILO is met, prior to the end block of the second round. | Scenario 1: The soft cap of the ILO is not met by the end block of the second round. Scenario 2: The markets cannot initiate due to errors in token's smart contract . Scenario 3: A liquidity pool is created manually during the ILO. |
Scenario 1: If the presale met the softcap, the markets can get initiated only by the presale owner. If the owner initiates markets after reaching the softcap, but not hardcap, unsold tokens will be burned and the pool will be normally created, allowing trading for token holders.
Scenario 2: If the presale met the hardcap, the markets can get initiated by anyone. The market init button will appear on the presale page. Met hardcap means all the tokens were sold. Pool is created and token holders can start trading.
Scenario 1: The softcap of the ILO is not met by the end of the presale. All participants can withdraw their contribution from the presale page. Owner can withdraw their presale tokens.
Scenario 2: Markets cannot initiate due to errors in the smart contract. All participants can withdraw their contribution from the presale page. Owner can withdraw their presale tokens.
Scenario 3: If the market pair already exists before the end of the ILO, markets will not be able initiate and the presale will fail. All participants can withdraw their contribution from the presale page. Owner can withdraw their presale tokens.
Initiate Market/pair button appears as soon as the ILO is in "Success" status and this button can be clicked by anyone to initiate the markets.
Within one transaction, it will:
create a liquidity pool using "token of ILO" + "currency used to purchase" (BNB, ETH, BUSD, MATIC, AVAX, etc.)
send to the newly created pair the % of funds (60-100%) reserved for the liquidity
send the rest (0-40%) to the ILO creator
time-lock the LP token as per the parameters of the ILO
burn the unsold portion of the tokens in case the hardcap wasn't reached
This will effectively make the token purchased during the ILO tradable on the target AMM.
ILO Badges
Going through different presale, you will most likely find badges that reflect different information on presale pages, such as:
% of liquidty locked
Tokenomics score, reflecting how good are the project's tokenomics. Note that this badge can also appear in different colors, specifically red or orange. That will just reflect the lower score of the tokenomics.
Audit badge, meaning the token contract is audited by one of our whitelisted partners. Note that this badge can also appear in different colors, specifically red or orange. That will mean that the auditor found some vulnerabilities in the contract. We recommend checking the full report, it will help you your investment decisions.
KYC badge, meaning the team of the project you are looking at went through KYC process provided by one of our partners. Note that this badge can also appear in different colors, specifically red. That will mean that the team did not pass the KYC.
ENMT badge, meaning that the token used in a presale was created by our ENMT Token Minter, which means it is pre-audited by our whitelisted partners and safe.
Last updated